Elevate Your Winter Skincare Routine
Layering strategy is a sophisticated method for winter skin care. Apply a serum underneath a luxurious night cream to effectively lock in facial moisture. Daily application of a nutrient-rich moisturizer is essential to nourish and protect your skin head-to-toe from dryness and flaking.

Oily Skin
Switch to a creamy, hydrating cleanser that does not strip the skin of excess oil. Oily skin types should switch to a richer day cream with hyaluronic acid or glycerin in the winter. Choose a hydrating night time product that multitasks like those with peptides and antioxidants to help firm the skin.
Normal Skin
Make sure to switch to a cleanser that nourishes and moisturizes, such as an oil-based formula. A moisturizer with petrolatum, dimethicone or glycerin. For night treatments, normal skin types should consider adding a retinol cream to help increase collagen production. Lastly a healing, soothing occlusive barrier that will help protect compromised skin, while accelerating cell renewal.
Dry Skin
Choose a gentle moisturizing cleanser that can replace lipids and proteins lost during the cleansing process. Applying a moisturizer with lipids can help fortify the skin barrier. Applying a night treatment masque can give skin an extra boost of hydration.
Pro-Aging Skin
Switch to a mild, non-abrasive cleanser that contains glycerin, ceramides or hyaluronic acid to hydrate the skin. Layer over serum with a thicker lotion or cream. For added moisture, a product with hyaluronic acid, shea butter or peptides. Retinols can be drying in the winter, so use it every other day to give your skin a break.
Body Care
Preventing dry skin necessitates humectants and emollients to attract moisture and seal it (in that sequence). We suggest substituting lighter moisturizers with more luxurious formulas, reducing exfoliation frequency, and incorporating a soothing cleanser as initial steps in your winter skin regimen.
All Skin Types
Watch your Lips: Prevent your lips from getting chapped or cracked and apply a natural lip balm whenever necessary.
Wear SPF throughout the year. Yes! Even in winter. UVA rays are constantly present, and cause the skin to age. A habit of wearing SPF will help keep your skin looking radiant and healthy.
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